Blue Axolotls

Images via Mojang

Minecraft'south Axolotls come in five dissimilar colors, only you would probably merely think information technology was four if you are just a casual player. That is because the fifth variant is scarce. The Blue Axolotl is challenging to come past, but information technology just gets easier from in that location if you practise become 1. Here is every way to become Blue Axolotls in Minecraft, with and without commands.

Natural Generation

There is a adventure you may get fortunate and happen upon a blue Axolotl in the wild. If this happens, you should pick it up with a saucepan and take it to a safe, secluded watery location to ensure it will non swim away or die. Every Axolotl spawned has a 0.083% gamble of being a Blue Axolotl.

Related: Where to find Axolotls in Minecraft


A family of an adult Blue Axolotl, adult Cyan Axolotl and a baby Blue Axolotl
Screenshot by Gamepur

While Axolotls normally have a 50-l adventure of taking on the colour of one of their parents, there is too a chance that yous could stop up with a baby Bluish Axolotl. The gamble is the aforementioned as the normal spawn rate, a depression 0.083%, but convenance gives you lot a lot more options to endeavour for a Blueish Axolotl than exploring does.

Related: How to brood Axolotls in Minecraft

One time you lot have a Blue Axolotl, though, breeding becomes super easy. Breed your Blue Axolotl with some other Axolotl of whatever kind, and there is a 50% run a risk the kid will exist blue due to one of the parents being blue. In one case you have two Blue Axolotls, you can brood more Blue Axolotls with a 100% breeding rate.


If y'all would instead not go through the pain of getting a Blue Axolotl the natural way, y'all tin can quickly get a Blue Axolotl via commands. A reminder that this is considered a cheat, but sometimes that's the route 1 may desire to go. It keen for creative mode, building servers, or making an take chances map. The command to summon a Blue Axolotl at your position is equally follows:

              /summon minecraft:axolotl ~ ~ ~ {Variant:4}            

Exist sure to capitalize the 5 in Variant, and practise non put a space subsequently or before the colon, or else it will not work. Y'all can copy and paste it directly from this page if you lot are worried you might be spelling something wrong.